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Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
时间:2017-08-23 23:28   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
   主管单位:Springer International Publishing AG.
   主办单位:Springer International Publishing AG.
   杂志类型:Supports Open Access
   期刊查询:SCI Compendex
   期刊级别:SCI Compendex

       Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry’s mission is the rapid publication of excellent and high-impact research articles on fundamental and applied topics of analytical and bioanalytical science. Its scope is broad, encompassing the entire range of analytical and bioanalytical research and encouraging multidisciplinary solutions to problems in this field.  

       The Editors encourage submissions presenting novel analytical research in instrumentation, method development, and applications, including, for example,
(1)mass spectrometry and atomic spectroscopy;
(2)separations and hyphenated techniques;
(3)analytical approaches in “-omics” and imaging;
(4)analytical characterization of nano- and biomaterials;
(5)miniaturized devices, medicinal diagnostics, sensors, chemometrics, and sampling methods.
      Applications should be innovative and presen­ted with complete validation including analysis of real world samples. The new contribution in comparison to existing methods should also be stressed. Moreover, the Editors encourage authors to add unsuccessful approaches in the experimental section in addition to the detailed description of successful experiments.
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